Crusades Suite (The) for Concert/Military/Wind Band


The Crusades Suite is a musical depiction of the journey of the Crusader's in 1096 (after Pope Urban the Second spoke at The Council of Clermont) from Europe to The Holy Land in 1095; to liberate the Holy City from Muslim rule.

Along the way, they suffered starvation, desertion and many battles were fought with Muslim Militia such as the Seljuk Turks. The crusaders could be lethal too, and slaughtered Muslims & Jews in Jerusalem.

The work features various modes such as the Phyrgian, Lydian & Dorian, creating interesting melodies and harmony. Listen out for the quartal harmony and the canon.

Players are stretched in terms of range and tessitura. Some techniques may be new to players such as the growling on the woodwind and trombones.

The suite would make a great work for contests!